PhoneGap Developer
Michael Brooks
Who has heard of PhoneGap?
Who has used of PhoneGap?
code, community, and beer
Tiny web consultancy
Vancouver, Canada
Founded in 1998
Got into it around 2008
Objective-C for iOS
Java Dalvik for Android
Java ME for BlackBerry
.NET for Windows CE
HTML for webOS
Solved this problem long ago
Websites look the same everywhere
Not installable
No offline mode
Limited funtionality
Browser quirks
Can move the web forward
Installable web
Supports offline
Extended functionality
Polyfills browser
Native application
Fullscreen browser
Without an interface
Loading a local HTML file
Binding JavaScript-to-Native
Free as in beer since 2008
Licensed under MIT
500,000 developers
30+ contributors
7 platforms
Donated PhoneGap
Branded Apache Cordova
Gained even more contributors
Acquired Nitobi
We're full-time on open source
in three parts
Framework to create apps with
CSS, and
Distribution of Apache Cordova
with added sugar
Cloud service for compiling PhoneGap apps
Who here has used of node.js?
JavaScript runtime
Similar to Ruby or Python
Nothing to do with the browser
too quick for a beer
Does everything locally or remotely
(coming soon)
Plugin management
Install. Remove. Publish. Discover.
HTML interface
Uses the CLI tools
(mockup image)